Saturday, December 29, 2012

Where have I been?

So you might be wondering where I have been....well the truth is my computer power cord broke right before Thanksgiving. So without any power I have not been able to complete any blog post. Now that Christmas is over and I was able to get a new cord I am back in bussiness sort of. My camera broke on Christmas Eve. I have  borrowed a camera that's owners {my awesome parents} Might ask for in a moments notice. I will be back on Monday with updates and resolutions. I hope you have a great weekend!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Views from Pintrest: Crafty Homemade gifts list for little girls!

       Hello! and welcome! I love to look at blogs and see their ideas for homemade gifts it is fun to see that there are more and more people going handmade.
        There are so many creative people out there in the world and I love that Pinterest can bring so many ideas all together. This week I thought I would share the ideas I have gathered on My Crafty Gift pinterest board for little girls. I will do this every Saturday until Christmas!
Here is the schedule!
November 10th: Little girls
November 17th: Little boys
November 24th: Stocking Stuffers
December  1st: Parents, Siblings, Inlaws
December 8th: Teacher gifts and neighbor gifts
December 15th: Grandparent Gifts and gifts made by kids
December 22nd: Fast and last minute Gifts

Below is a list for 43 tutorials that any little girl would love! There are a few I am sure you could make for boys as well! 


{The tic tac toe is from a store but I am planning on making
 Monkey on and will do a tutorial so stay tuned!}
{The pillow above is to buy here is a link from 

I hope you enjoyed this list I am so excited to share what I am making over the next few weeks! Next Saturday I will share Little Boy Tutorials! 
What are you making for gifts this holiday season?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Awesome Day!

Yesterday I mention that we are going tv free on school nights. Today was our first day trying it out and I think that it went GREAT! Monkey’s teacher { have I mentioned that she is awesome!} even emailed me this morning telling me of a wonderful change that has seemed to take place in my little monkey! 
Monkey came home and said she had a great day! The best part, she said when she thought she was having a difficult time she prayed. My heart melted!  So I wasted no time at spending some quality time with my girl. We came home cleaned off the table together, she talked and I listened. I also found out more about her day then I think I have ever known in a whole year! I felt like we were truly communicating and I could physically feel my soul jump for joy! 
After the table was cleaned off we worked on homework. As I may have mention Monkey has an amazing teacher who comes up with fun things to do for example Monkey put on a light show for me while practicing her spelling words. Monkey also had to disguise a turkey so it wouldn’t fall victim to  a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Monkey made hers look like a turkey. {I think it came out so adorable!}
Monkey also had to write about who she thought was going to be president and  what she would do if she was president. Monkey  wrote the cutest thing that stated “ I think Romney is going to win because he is nice. If I was president I would be the first girl President and there wouldn’t be any school.”

We then played games and made dinner together. Monkey made a cute little pizza from Papa Murphy’s. She was so excited!
I am so glad that I followed this prompting. I already am super excited about what tomorrow will bring!
What is your favorite memory with your kids?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Another Crummy Day oy!

Monkey had a crummy day at school. I wish I could say this was the first day this had happen but it is not. Last year she developed some bad habits and they appear to have resurfaced . OY! What am I to do I feel like I have tried everything.  Tonight I had a very humbling experience.  As I ponder and prayed about this situation instead at looking at what I needed to do to improve her behavior it occurred to me that maybe I should look at what I needed to do to improve my behavior.
I know that this sounds weird maybe but I came to realize that I was letting life cheat my daughter out of quality time with me.  The hustle of each day seemed to take my mind away from the one thing that is the most important to me. I started to wonder if Monkey’s behavior was a mere reaction to how I allowed life to pass us by. Why would she listen to me if I didn’t listen to her? 
                Upon this realization I knew I would have to act and now I would like to introduce you to operation monkey!  This plan was developed by monkey and me and it goes as follows.
1.       No more TV on a school night
2.       Movie night on Friday is earned by how the week goes at school and home
3.       Monkey is going to be my little buddy helping me with chores and dinner {Monkey’s idea I love it}
4.       Monkey is going to keep a journal  on how she is feeling
5.       Monkey is going to make goals to accomplish throughout the week
6.       Monkey and I are going to play with each other every day {another one of Monkey’s wonderful ideas}
7.       Monkey is going to be earlier {Another one of Monkey’s ideas actually her first one}
I think that this is a good game plan. Monkey is one of the most amazing lil girls I know and I am excited to see our plan in action! 


What do you do to connect to your child?

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Big Homemade Gift List

Warning if you are related to me stop what you are doing and turn away from the list. You will notice it is just a list, no labels so if you do not turn away you will not know who is getting what!

Brown Hair Doll
Blonde Hair Doll
Blonde Hair Doll

From the talented Pattern Patti Click here to go to pattern

Matryoshka doll
Matryoshka doll
Matryoshka doll
This little cutie is from Petunias by Kelly Etsy Store Click here to see 

Doll Pjs
Crochet Slippers

Key Chain
Key Chain
Key Chain
Key Chain
This key chain is from Craftaholics Anonymous you look at the tutorial here

Chap Stick Cozy
Chap Stick Cozy
Chap Stick Cozy 
These little cuties are from Homemade Ginger you can find the tutorial here

Family Picture 

Fisher Mans bouquet
Crochet Hat

If I have time:
Matryoshka doll
Matryoshka doll

I am super excited to start! I want to be done by DECEMBER 1st! That is not that far away, but I am confident. What are you making for Christmas? 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A blast from Christmas Past

As I was looking at some old photos I saw some of the Christmas gifts that I have made in the past and I thought I would share them with you. If you would like to know how to make any of these items let me know and I can either point you in the right direction or even do a tutorial.
Cute Little man clothes

Nativity ornament

Re-purposed lunch pail

Crochet Booties
Crochet ear flap hat

Crochet boys hat

Crochet hat
Washer Necklace

Jcrew knock off necklace

Apron from old pair of jeans

Teacher Gift

teacher gift

Reindeer feed
As you might could tell from this "Lazy" post I am super tired from the last few days events {hopefully I will post them later} in the mean while enjoy a blast from my Christmas past.

Monday, October 29, 2012

A spontaneous kind of joy!

Last week the fam and I went on a spontaneous hike walk through the woods. 
The footwear shows how spontaneous this was for some....ok just me.

It is about 20 minutes outside of the bustle of the busy city.  As we drove up the mountain, the air became cleaner and the view became more and more stunning. 
  On the particular outing we were scouting for rocks, monkey is collecting them for class. {Truth be told she has liked picking up rocks since I can remember, but this was a good excuse to get out} I loved to watch monkey and her daddy scavenging  the earth’s beauty. This trip was a pure joy and there was nothing to get in our way to spend quality time with each other. {Even our cell phones didn’t have a signal} 
Monkey is so creative she found two sticks and used them as walking sticks. As we continued along the path we found a feather Monkey just had to have it, the hubs and I kindly asked her not to touch it. The genius that is her however discovered she could use her walking sticks to hold the feather. I love the creativity that she uses it is so inspiring!  

The feather is the second picture is the point on the end of the stick.
       Slowly but surely hints of fall peaked through the beauty of the pine trees. The aroma of pine mixed with fresh air, instantly took me back to my childhood in Idaho, and peace filled my soul,
There is something to be said about enjoying what was given to us by such a loving Heavenly Father. By the end of our adventure my soul was filled with joy.                                                     

What do you do to spend time with your family?